Faringdon Town Council is working with Vale of White Horse to create a bench trail, applying for developer funding from the Highworth Rd development, specifically allocated to public art. The intention is to link the new estates to the the town centre to provide a sense of belonging and encourage new residents to come into town.
During the design and research phase of the project our Lead Artist, Nicola Henshaw embarked on working closely with local residents. Nicola worked with a range of community groups to identify detail and emblems on each of the designs. Workshops were held at Faringdon Playday, Rhyme Time at the library and primary schools to create sketches and inspiration celebrating local history, geology, literature and community sports in the area.
The idea for the trail sees the town with four named quarters: geology, sports, history and nursery rhymes. The 9 benches follow these themes. Draft designs and locations are below and we would love to hear your views as we prepare the application for funding. Please email [email protected] with any comments.

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