Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan 2016 – 2031
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Judicial Review Findings
Hoare v VWHDC – CLICK HERE TO READ Summary of Judgment 7.7.17
Thursday 24th November 2016
Votes cast 1038
Yes 944
No 94
90.9% in favour of adopting the Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan
Faringdon Town Council and the Vale of White Horse District Council have accepted the Independent Examiner’s modifcations to the Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan.
Following the 6 week public consultation held by Town Council in May/July 2015 and the subsequent careful consideration of the comments received during that consultation, the amended Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan was approved by Town Council.
The Plan was then submitted to the Vale of White Horse District Council which was required to hold a further 6 week public consultation. The District Council initially experienced problems with its website which affected access by the public to the FNP documents and therefore it extended the deadline for submission of comments to 11 January 2016. The District Council progressed the results of the public consultation and the FNP was submitted to the Independent Examiner. The report from the Independent Examiner has now been received by the District Council and can be viewed on its website
FNP Basic Conditions Statement
FNP Equality Impact Assessment
Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan ARCHIVES:
The following shows information previously published on this website:
For further information
Faringdon Town Council Public Consultation
The Public Consultation held for 6 weeks commencing Friday 15 May 2015 is NOW CLOSED
The above public consultation is now closed and comments received from the public during this consultation period are currently being considered.
The plan, incorporating any amendments that may have been made as a result of the public comments, will be brought to Town Council for approval. Once the plan is adopted by Town Council, it will be submitted to the Local Planning Authority, in this case the Vale of White Horse District Council, which itself is then required to hold a 6-week public consultation.
Following its public consultation, the District Council will submit the plan, together with accompanying public comments, to an Independent Examiner. The Examiner will issue a report which is likely to include one of the following recommendations:
- that the draft Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to a referendum
- that the draft Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to a referendum, subject to certain amendments
- that the draft Neighbourhood Plan should not proceed
The Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan has already been out to public consultation and been examined by an Independent Examiner. Why did we need another public consultation?
The Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan, approved by the Town Council and endorsed by Vale of White Horse District Council, was originally submitted for inspection by an Independent Examiner at the end of 2014. Whilst this plan was recommended by the examiner to proceed to referendum, the Town Council, mindful of public comments, amended the plan to include new proposals for designating a number of sites within Faringdon as areas of ‘Local Green Space’. This would help to secure them for their continued public use.The plan responds to extensive local consultation and makes a number of important proposals for the future of Faringdon. One of the most important issues was the need to deliver new jobs and the plan makes provision for new employment land particularly to help reduce the need for out-commuting. It also aims to protect the historical heritage of the town, to extend the retail offer, to improve cycling and walking links, to ensure that new housing meets good design standards and the needs of local people, and that the infrastructure is improved in line with the growing population. A 6-week public consultation was held from Friday 15 May to Friday 26 June. An exhibition showing the updated Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents was held in the Jubilee Room, the Pump House, Market Place, Faringdon on Saturday, 16 May 2015 from 9.00 am to 12 noon.
From 15 May 2015, copies of the draft Neighbourhood Plan together with relevant accompanying documents can be viewed below and comments could be lodged during the 6-week public consultation period by using the online form. Hard copies were also available to view in the Town Council offices which are open Monday to Friday, 9.00 am – 4.00 pm and Saturday, 9.30 am – 1.00 pm, as well as in the Public Library in Gloucester Street. Sheets for comments will also be available. FNP Public Consultation Response Form 2015-1 (1) Any queries can be sent to [email protected]
The Neighbourhood Plan additional documents and archives
- FNP_re-submission version 13-5-15
- FNP Evidence Base Review 10-4-15
- Appendices to Evidence Base Review: Appendix 1 Retail sub-group report Appendix 2a OFOF II Employment Review Appendix 2a Our Future Our Faringdon Employment report Appendix 2b Employment Land report Appendix 2c Employment Land sub-group meeting note Appendix 3 Tourism sub group report Appendix 5a Faringdon Venues AVH Jan 2014 Appendix Ba Market stall comments – The best thing about Faringdon._ Appendix Bb Market stall comments – The worst thing about Faringdon._ Appendix D October 2012 consultation results Appendix E Population age-job predictions 15-4-15 Appendix G Potential housing sites in Faringdon
- FNP EIA 19-2-15
- FNP Basic Conditions Statement 18-2-15
- Appendices to Basic Conditions Statement: BCS Appendix 2 Minutes12-Jul-2012 14.00 Cabinet BCS Appendix 3 Confirmation of area designation
- FNP Consultation Statement_10-7-14
- Faringdon NDP Independent Examination Report 221014
- FNP_SA Scoping Report_V2 0 (2)
- Appendices to Basic Conditions Statement (2)
- Appendix 1 Tucker Park Recreation Ground
- Appendix 2 Oakwood Park
- Appendix 3 Pitts Park
- Appendix 4 Town Park
- Appendix 5 Folly Woodland
- Appendix 6 Country Park
- Appendix 7 Humpty Hill a
- Appendix 7 Humpty Hill b
- Appendix 7 Humpty Hill c
- Appendix 7 Humpty Hill d
- Appendix 8 Marlborough Gardens Play Area
- Appendix 9 Coleshill Drive Play Area
- Appendix 10 Volunteer Way Play Area
- Appendix 11 Folly Park View Play Area
- Fig 12 Green space location map
- FNP Non-statutory Appendix_27-10-14
The following documents give further information regarding the allocation of employment land within the Faringdon Neighbourhood Plan together with a summary of the FNP overall strategies.