A public tennis court situated in the grounds of Faringdon Junior School SN7 8EL.
Family and friends can play for £45 per year which allows unlimited usage (there is also an option to turn up and play casually).
The court is managed by a group of volunteers on behalf of The Faringdon Town Council.
It is for the benefit of people in and around Faringdon who wish to play on a casual basis rather than a club commitment (which might also require confidence in playing ability). As Faringdon gets more populated with houses it is good to see that we can still keep our ‘recreational open spaces’ for the general health and well-being of the residents.
We are very much looking forward to ensuring that we can look after the court and attract lots of new players young and old. Come and join us!
If you’d like to play please email: [email protected] or [email protected]
- The annual fee is £45 which covers the yearly insurance and court maintenance. Payment to ‘Faringdon Elms Tennis Association’ BACS: Sort code is 30 93 18 Acc no is 00625896. Please use your surname as a reference.
- A new passcode will be issued on 1st May each year once payment has been made.
- The passcode can only be given to those who are 18 years of age or over. Younger players must be accompanied by an adult. Please do not share the passcode with others but do encourage them to contact us for subscription details.
- The court can only be used to play tennis; this is for insurance purposes.
- The court can be booked via the online booking service, click here. You will be given a password when you subscribe.
- Visitors can book the court on a casual basis by contacting Carolyn – 07443 477062.
- Booking is for a maximum of 1 hour each day (play for longer if the court is not booked after you). Daylight hours only.
- Please do not book the same slot weekly or more than 4 days in advance. This allows everyone a chance to play at the most popular times.
- To protect the school staff, children and families avoid using the car park. Do not use the car park at the start and end of the school day.
- FaringdonTown Council (FTC) supports the ‘Climate and Ecological Bill’; please try to walk or cycle to the court where possible.
- If children or staff are using the school field as you enter or leave please keep your distance. Do not use the school field during a school day.
- Please report any damage (whether caused by the key holder or not) to 07443 477062.
- It is the responsibility of players to ensure that the court is locked after use and used in an appropriate manner. Think – noise, litter, etiquette, etc!
- Please note the tennis court is not an all-weather surface and may be slippery and dangerous when damp; do not to use the court unless the surface is dry.
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